1) the event is intended to promote the encounter between 4×4 vehicle enthusiasts, the discovery of natural and scenic beauties while tackling rugged and challenging routes;

2) national and foreign crews can participate with 4×4 vehicles in good standing with appropriate Transportation Codes, regularly insured, equipped with a suitable driving license valid in Italy and abroad, registered with G.F.I.  and/or other amateur 4×4 sports associations;

3) the participants undertake to accept these regulations, in particular to comply with the rules provided for by the highway code, also applying civic sense and attention to safety in all circumstances of time and place. As part of the event, in order to comply with national and regional regulations aimed at preventing Covid, all the organizational methods provided for by this Association must be observed. In this regard, it is worth noting the obligation to wear the protective mask inside the vehicles if the occupants are not cohabiting;

4) there is no requirement to carry out the route or any part of it, nor imposed times subject to assessment, except for 4×4 tests organized in separate times and places.

By viewing the text to follow, the participant undertakes to observe the conditions provided for the “International 4×4 Meeting City of Gradisca” organized by G.F.I. Alpe Adria off-road, a.s.d., for 9, 10 and 11 December 2022.

  1. to be in good health, to have the necessary driving skills for all the routes of this event and to be able to tackle the course without any problems or difficulties.

  2. to be in possession of a valid driving license; that the car is in perfect working condition; is in compliance with the highway code; is regularly insured.

  3. to be aware of the fact that the event could constitute a dangerous activity, which can lead to unexpected, unforeseeable and unavoidable risks despite the use of normal diligence.  In particular, journeys will take place both on paved roads and on unpaved dirt roads, or on particularly uneven ground that can generate damage or cause rapid machine wear.  The route, in fact, crosses uneven roads and areas, with consequent dangers, pitfalls, criticality’s and obstacles such as, for simplification and not exhaustive, domestic and wild animals, boulders, rocks, ravines, holes, bumps, depressions, stone walls, ruins, possible crossings of rivers, streams, waterways, variable and difficult terrains, even at low speeds.

  4. to always respect the speed limits and the highway code, as part of the event.

  5. to be aware of the fact that the event can take place in difficult environmental, climatic and meteorological conditions and that, in particular, the weather conditions can change quickly and radically without warning.

  6. to be aware of the fact that several people participate in the event with their own machines and therefore the possibility of dangers or damage caused by / to another participant cannot be excluded.

Having taken note of the above, All of the above, I declare to accept all the risks and dangers that may arise during the event, in particular the risk of injury, death, physical damage, damage to the car and loss of property,  I am also aware that any conduct that does not comply with the above indications may result in liability for civil and criminal facts provided for by the laws of the Italian State.

Finally I declare that I undertake to use the utmost prudence and expertise in order to avoid accidents and damage to other participants, to any means of travel and to third parties in general.